The commodity shall be inspected prior to shipment either at the premises of the supplier or such other premises as may be specified. The inspection shall seek to ensure strict conformity of the commodity with the agreed upon specifications.
Our services are always adapted to our client’s need and include:
- Inspection and acceptance of ship holds, hatch covers
- Establishment of intaken/outturn weight by means of draught-survey
- Sampling during entire loading and/or discharging operations and preparation of contractual samples
- Supervision throughout loading/discharging
- Speeding up loading and/or discharging operations
- Conducting neutral analysis
- Check of packing and marking
- Check of bags weight at random
- Damage assessment, if any
- Photographic report
- Certification of quality, quantity & condition
Our spectrum of services covers the following agricultural products:
- dry bulk cargo
- liquid bulk cargo
- bagged cargo
- consumer goods
- raw products